The MAMSfam is taking on the viral hit “Soon May the Wellerman Come” from TikTok (We know… Miss Anna can’t believe we’re jumping on a TikTok trend either!).
We’re excited about getting as many of our students involved as possible and this is going to be your landing page for all the info you are going to need!
First – some dates.
We are hoping to debut this video around recital time in June, and we’re anticipating having a LOT of video and audio to put together, so all submissions will be due by May 20.
Second – some practice tracks.
For now here are the vocal parts – We would like to feature a separate soloist (or possibly a duet) on each verse. If you are interested in a solo, let your teacher know ASAP so you can work on it in your lesson. The rest of our singers will be featured on at least one chorus.
Practice tracks for instrumentalists will be coming soon, but the sheet music is available – just check with your teacher.